Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 5 reading response: Zinsser Profile

                 I walked into Stacks today, not really thinking about much and in high spirits from the wonderful weather.  There, at one of the front tables, was none other than the charming and effervescent Emily Guzman.  Instead of continuing my blissfully mundane afternoon I decided to approach her about our class for this week and the profile we have due next week.  Essentially our conversation was me asking "What is a profile and how do I write it?"  Being the expert TA that she is, she gave me a very helpful breakdown but by the time I got home and continued thinking about it I was lost again.  It was at this time that I sat down to read the profile Marin assigned for homework.  This timing was nothing short of impecable.
                  This timing was so perfect because of how well written Dan Barry's profile of William Zinsser is.  He gives us an intimate look at someone we probably wouldn't otherwise be exposed to while avoiding tired and cliche writing techniques ("a day in the life" etc.).  I also found the tone of this piece very refreshing.  He doesn't stake a claim, or try and convince us of something (Zinsser is a good man, Zinsser is a bad man etc.) yet we finish the piece with that unmistakeable warm fuzzy feeling.  This piece embrases the reader much as I imagine Zinsser and his wife's personalities would.  This reflection is a mark of truly excellent writing.  The piece is concise, but not bare.  It overviews just enough of Zinsser's life so as to allow the reader to feel we know him, while not being long winded.
                 This piece is the ideal profile and I plan to write mine in a similar vain, what I mean by that is that my profile is going to be New York Times quality.  I'm glad to know a little bit about William Zinsser and I'm glad to have read this profile.  People have a lot to tell if there is just someone willing to listen.

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